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Welcome to Hewittzdiecast&"Stuff". We sell a wide variety of diecast cars, including, Hotwheels, Hotwheels Basics, Hotwheels Premiums, Autoworld diecast, M2 Machines diecast, Jada diecast, Matchbox diecast, Matchbox Superfast, Matchbox Moving Parts, Hotwheels Car Culture series, Hotwheels Pop Culture series. Pretty much any diecast we come across that is extra, we collect cars ourselves, and sell the extras. We mostly have 1/64 scale diecast cars, trucks, etc. With occasional 1/32, 1/43, 1/24 and 1/18 scale diecast. We will also list other items we may come across like, 12" tall Special Forces Action Figures, HewittzHotWheelz T-Shirts, Pocket Knives and other "STUFF", Which is why we are called HEWITTZDIECAST&"STUFF". Thanks for stopping by.